Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Well, another project down…75 pounds of Concord grapes. Whoa! I never thought I would see the end. My dear neighbors (the ones with the plum tree), also grow Concord grapes and those lovely vines have just snaked there way over our fence and into our lives. It is a beautiful thing.


I started picking last Saturday and just finished Tuesday. We are talking A LOT of grapes here and that is just what is on OUR side of the fence! I can’t imagine what is on theirs!


We decided to split our first batch and make half of it into just plain grape juice and the other half into grape jelly. So…to start off…RINSE!!


After that we put the grapes into this brilliant contraption called a Steamer/Juicer. My Mom bought one for our family to share and it is BRILLIANT!!


This is the middle part of the steamer/juicer where the juice collects.


Filled to the brim!


This is what it looks like all buttoned up.


Make sure and put a little something under the draining hose to catch any escaping juice.


Then you just wait. That is truly all you do. I would drain it every once in awhile, but you pretty much just let it sit and steam…for 60 minutes to be precise. Then when it is finished you can either bottle up the juice right then and there (which we did), or you can put that juice to good work and make some jelly (which we did).


To make the jelly you just start to boil 5 cups of Concord Grape Juice with a box of pectin until it is dissolved. After that, you can add 1 teaspoon of butter or margarine to help bring down the foam.


Then add the sugar all at once, 6 cups if you are using Concord Grapes. Bring it to a hard boil, stirring constantly and once you have reached that point, stir for 1 minute.

Remove from heat and quickly skim off foam.


Pour directly into hot jars.


And seal them up! Quite easy and VERY tasty!!


And when you are done your grapes look like this…very sad and thoroughly steamed. But they did a great job and we will be enjoying them all winter!!

Here is to antioxidants!!


Marianne said...

OK, that is so awesome that you didn't even have to take the grapes off the vine! I had no idea that juicer/steamer was so awesome! I'll need to come and try some grape juice...I love it!

Suzanne said...

That is seriously brilliant! What a fabulous contraption! I love things that don't require a lot of effort from me. Lucky you...enjoy that grape juice and jelly!