Thursday, February 19, 2009


Another thing you will want to make sure and store is sugar. The sugar requirement can be filled by many different foods...granulated sugar, brown sugar, powdered sugar, molasses, jams/jellies, honey, corn syrup, jello and powdered fruit drink mix. Granulated sugar itself is a wonderful thing to store as its shelf life is indefinite as long as it is kept dry. It actually contains essential nutrients. It is not the eating of sugar that creates problems, it is the eating too much of it.

When my husband and I really started building our food storage we just plugged our numbers in the Church's food storage calculator and just bought everything it said. One of the items listed was molasses. I looked at all of those bottles and wondered what in the world I was going to do with them. They sat unused for a few years (except for the token gingerbread cake I would make at Christmas) but then I found a new use for it and now I use it all of the time. What could that be? Brown Sugar...I make my own. It kind of started as an experiment, but now I actually prefer the taste and just make my own all of the time. It takes a little mixing, so it is not something you just throw together, but it is worth it.

If you want to give it a try, here is the recipe...

Brown Sugar
1 Cup sugar
1-4 Tablespoons molasses (depending on desired flavor.) I use 2
Stir together with a wire whisk.

1 comment:

Blue said...

i never knew you could make brown sugar! that's fantastic! i love your site jac!