Monday, July 13, 2009

Food For Thought

Spencer W. Kimball
April Conference, 1981
"Where you have a plot of land, however small, plant a garden. Staying close to the soil is good for the soul. Purchase your essentials wisely and carefully. Strive to save a portion of that which you earn. Do not mistake many wants for basic needs."
Spencer W. Kimball
October 1976 Regional Representatives
Seminar Address
"Preparedness, when properly pursued, is a way of life, not a sudden, spectacular program."
Glenn L. Pace
Quoting Marion G. Romney
April Conference, 1986
"He made the process sound so simple. "Brother Pace, don't make things so complicated! All we have been trying to do is make our people self-reliant, because the more self-reliant one is, the more able to serve he becomes, and the more he serves, the greater his sanctification."

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