Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What I Learned From My Garden...Part 2

One of my goals this year was to try my hand at container gardening.

I did a little research, chose some of my favorite herbs, and sat back to watch my plants flourish.

Unfortunately this is what least to my Basil anyway. Oh, so sad! No matter what I did, this poor little plant never seemed to have a chance. I fertilized and watered, but it just never seemed to be enough.

Lesson #2:

Be very mindful of growing space when planting in a container.

Containers can be deceiving. Mine seemed enormous and there seemed to be a lot of space in between my plants...but those little plants wanted to become big plants and there just wasn't enough room. If you are considering container gardening, here are a few helpful links.

As for year I will only be planting three herbs in my pot and will be planting my Basil and Parsley in the garden so they can grow to their hearts content.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

How big was your container? And when is the best time to plant herbs?