Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Great Tip #3

Another great tip to help you save money at the grocery store is...

Make more meals from scratch.

Processed foods tend to cost more, have a shorter shelf life, and are not nearly as good for you as the "real " thing. Not only that, but you are increasing your skill level at the same time as improving your health.

If you are already making many your meals from scratch...keep it up! If not, this is a great time to start. I recently posted a great "FOOLPROOF BREAD" recipe that is easy to make and is something that is VERY good for you. Click here to get the recipe.

1 comment:

superhey said...

I have personally tasted the goodness, no, greatness of this recipe. Being weary of wheat will be a thing of the past after trying a warm slice out of the oven with a little butter and homemade jam. thanks Jac