Tuesday, March 3, 2009


“Eat What You Store…”

“Eat what you store, store what you eat.” Something grandma used to say, and is just as valuable now as it was then…but, are there exceptions to the rule??

For anyone that finds storing WHEAT outright craziness, you are not alone. Certainly “eat what you store” does not come to mind to all of us. So, here are a few thoughts (sorry I just couldn't say here is some “food for thought”).

Wheat has a remarkable shelf life. It can be stored nearly indefinably, under very little pressure to be rotated like other foods. Wheat is invaluable, perhaps lifesaving during long term crisis, making it one of the most integral parts to our storage room.

I propose to those that find storing wheat difficult for whatever reason, to store it anyway (though you may not use it regularly).

Now the disclaimer…Eat wheat!!! You may choose to store wheat, and against everything grandma used to say, not eat it. That may be OK, as long as wheat is still in your diet. In addition, you will still want to have a basic understanding of how to use your stored wheat, just in case. Sorry grandma.

“What was that?”“Oh nothing grandma…”

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