Friday, March 27, 2009

Your 3-Month Supply

Save Away!

In my post yesterday I talked about building up your 3-month supply by just finding deals at the grocery store. I thought I would let you know of some of the deals I have found this week...

(this is just a more detailed list of what I have on the sidebar)
Select Kelloggs Cereal- $1.67 Extra promo: Buy 7, get 3 gallons of milk FREE. Buy 5, get 2 gallons FREE. Buy 3, get 1 gallon FREE. Voucher will print at checkout, valid on your NEXT shopping trip. Kellogg’s Cereal, any flavor 10 oz. or larger .70/1 (4-5-09) RP-2/22 Final Price-.97

Butchers Block Thick Cut Bacon (buy some for now, freeze some for later)- $1.99 lb Requires in-ad "store" coupon.

M&M's (great for Easter)- $1.88 Requires in-ad store coupon + any 9.5 oz. bag or larger $1/2 (4-12-09) RP-3/1 Final Price- $1.38

Ball Park Franks (easy to freeze)-$1.77 Requires in-ad coupon +Ball Park Franks, any variety $1/2 (4-13-09) RP-3/15 Final Price $1.27
Kraft Macaroni and Cheese (great storage item)- .49 Requires in-ad store coupon

Check for more deals.

Also, I was made aware of a couple of services I thought might be of interest.

The Community Food CoBold-op of Utah
This service is open and available to anyone and the more people that join, the cheaper the food is.

"For a very reasonable price (usually less than $30), one buys a share, then your share gives you 5-6 lb of meat 5 lb of fruit, 5 lb of veggies, fresh baked bread, pasta or rice. Definitely worth more than $30 retail of food!"

"How does the co-op afford this? Simply individuals volunteer time and use local resources to maintain high quality products to feed the largest number possible."

To see what one Mom HERE.

If you are interested in learning more click HERE.

Outside of Utah, click HERE.

Community Supported Agriculture

"This is an AWESOME idea! An individual “subscribes” to a farm by giving a set $ amount to the farmer in the spring when the farmer needs resources the most. Then, when harvest begins, usually first of July, the subscriber receives a weekly bounty of fresh fruits and veggies, usually for 13 to 15 weeks. Costs and variety of harvest vary by farm. See for participating farm locations, pricing and details."

quoted information came from the PYP Blog

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