Friday, March 20, 2009

Your 3-Month Supply

Knowing What To Store

I took a big step today...I made a list of 10 meals my family eats the most. Why is that a big step? Because it is the beginning stage of obtaining my three-month supply. I have a lot of things stored, but I need to get "meals" together, so my storage really works for me and I don't waste money. I have read that it is a good idea to make a list of everything your family eats for a week...breakfast, lunch and dinner. Also include between-meals snacks.
  1. I started by making a list of 10 meals. Most of these were dinners but I did have some breakfasts. I am taking it slow, as to not get too overwhelmed.
  2. I then wrote each "meal" on the top of a separate piece of paper.
  3. Next, I wrote down every ingredient in the recipe...EVERY ingredient.
  4. I also made a list of ways I could tweak the recipe without changing the ingredient list, (i.e. chicken enchiladas, chicken enchilada casserole, creamy mexican chicken and rice.)
  5. Then, I multiplied all of the individual ingredients by 12 (that makes up my three month supply).

For example ~Sloppy Joes

1 lb. x 12 = 12 lbs of hamburger

3 T x 12= 9 C ketchup (or about 4-24 oz. bottles)

1 T x 12= 3 C mustard (or about 3-14oz. bottles)

1 can x 12 = 12 cans Chicken Gumbo Soup

In an emergency, I would make my own buns by just using my bread recipe, which ingredients I already have.

I didn't spend a whole lot of time, just a few minutes really and thought about the meals I make over and over. Start today by just making a really only took me about 20 minutes and now I really have an idea of what things I need to stock up on...especially when a case lot sale comes to town!


Marianne said...

OK, I'll do it!! Did you focus on meals that use mostly food that can be stored, or did you just pick your family's favorites? And how do you make your own buns?? Would they just be big rolls?

Jac said...

I just picked my families favorites...I didn't focus on things that stored the best. Many of the meals I selected do have many "storable" ingredients, but some of them don' tacos. But I will buy and freeze tortillas and hamburger and store taco seasoning, beans, and salsa. In regards to the buns...I have a recipe for hamburger buns. It is almost the same as the bread recipe but it has eggs. To make sure I can make stuff like that, I store dehydrated eggs. Hope this is helpful!