Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Brief Hiatus

I am taking a brief hiatus from blogging...I think. The reason for my indecision is...I have been confirmed for JURY DUTY this week! AAGGHH!! I am SO STRESSED! It is like my worst own Friday the 13th, Halloween 4, you name it, I am experiencing it! I have to call each night and listen to a lovely computerized voice tell me she "did not understand" me and could I repeat my juror number and then wait...wait for the dreaded words that I have been called up and I am supposed to meet someone named Eddie on the 2nd floor of the Justice Courts or something. I seriously cannot concentrate on anything. Not dinner, not cleaning, nothing! Am I a freak? Yes! But I have seriously been dreading this since I was 18 and a registered voter!

So, Provident Living is taking a bit of a back seat, just until I can pull myself together. That might be tomorrow, it might be Friday, it might be Monday (which is when my breathing will hopefully return to normal).

Until then...bake some is the Provident thing to do.


Blue said...

can't you get out of it? nursing baby clause or something? oh wait, she's bottles.

but still.

on the other hand, maybe it'll be interesting. we actually just had a discussion about the whole jury duty thing on monday night. how ironic.

hope it's not a crazy case. you know, with sequestering and all that. can you imagine?!

lucky you have family nearby. let me know if i can help too. ♥

Suzanne said...

Are you kidding me?? That is insane! I remember getting called to jury duty when I was in college. Thankfully, I never had to actually go in. But I remember being completely stressed about it. I think I've read too many John Grisham novels. Let me know how I can help with your kids!