Friday, May 29, 2009

Your 3-Month Supply

Well, I am breathing again. I made my last call to the automated jury duty lady and was told I was not yet needed, so we will wait until my next summons...until then, let's talk about the ultimate 3-Month Supply...gardens!!

Remember this picture...

I was so excited because my sugar snap peas were finally holding onto the trellis! Unfortunately it was short lived because I think the next day the wind blew it off.

I ended up having to take matters into my own hands and tied a few of the vines to the trellis. After that they took off and they are growing like crazy! Here is the proof...

A future pea...the heavens are singing!!!

Beautiful aren't they. A mother's love.

Although it is too late to plant these beauties, why not consider these...(I am speaking directly to my sisters who need to get cracking on their gardens!)
A lovely yellow squash perhaps...grown vertically of course.

What about a cherry tomato plant in a "Topsy Turvy". I have always been curious about these things, so when I saw one at Home Depot I had to give it a try. As you can see my tomato plant is very confused and is desperately looking for the sun. I think it might have been too small of a plant, but we are going to give it a go. That is if it can ever straighten itself out.
To be continued...

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