Friday, May 8, 2009

Your 3-Month Supply

Vertical Gardening You are probably saying to yourself, "Why does she keep talking about gardening? Will she stop already!" The answer is probably not, but not to be disrespectful, just because I am currently obsessed with it myself. I suspect I have always felt a pull to dig my hands in the earth and miraculously watch something grow, but it is more than that for me now...I am dealing with a less than perfect gardening space and I WANT TO WIN!!! I want to figure it out, against all odds and be the MASTER of my yard! (I am trying to psyche myself up here).

No really, I have a strip of space by my back fence which has great sunlight, but TERRIBLE soil. I am trying to improve it, but it is a slow process. I am determined though to get maximum production out of a small space and one way of doing this is by growing things vertically on a trellis.

I currently have two trellis' up, one for snap peas and the other for cucumbers. I am hoping to put three more up and grow zucchini, yellow squash, and hopefully butternut squash. These are typically vegetables that require a great deal of space as they spread their viney arms, but I am just going to channel them a bit and make them grow my way :)!

The other nice thing about growing vertical, is you get great landscape design. My nice brown fence will be covered in green this season!

Trellis' can cost anywhere from $7- $25 depending on what you are looking for. Mine are rectangular in shape and are made from treated wood (and cost $9.99), but they have all sorts of fancy shapes and trellis' made from vinyl, metal, etc.

Learning to garden takes time, it takes time to get your soil just right, it takes time to learn what grows well in your yard, it takes time to acquire all of the tools you need to be able to cultivate and grow your own produce. If you have a little space...why not try your hand at vertical just might get hooked.


Marianne said...

I think that will be my only hope. Where did you get the trellis? I'm all about $9.99!

Suzanne said...

Vertical gardening may be just what I need, since I have no garden spot whatsoever. I could really use some fresh vegetables on my dinner table!

Blue said...

I'm here to ask the same question...where did you get the trellis's?

I just dug up some plants today to make way for a garden. My back hurts, but my potted tomatoes are almost ready to move into their new home. so excited to have edibles in my yard!!! ♥

Jac said...

Where is my brain...sorry for neglecting to answer the trellis question! I got mine at Home Depot and the type I have is 6 ft. tall and has three vertical posts and about 7 evenly spaced horizontal posts. I will take some pictures as soon as my peas grab on!!