Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tips From The Coop

Milk Tips

Tip #1—Before buying a large amount of powdered milk storage, taste a few brands to determine which your family likes the best.

Tip #2—When trying milk brands, notice that some are powdered milk and others are milk alternatives. Personal preference/circumstance will determine which is best for you.

Tip #3—For a one year supply, store at least one cup of reconstituted milk per person (not age based, a 1 year-old and a 50 year-old should get their cup) per day.

Tip #4—Often lists will suggest storing dry milk based on weight. BEWARE. Not all dry milk powders reconstitute to the same amount of drinkable milk. In fact, 4 pounds of powdered milk/milk alternatives can produce between 8 and 26 quarts of drinkable milk depending on the brand. Wow! Our solution was to count powdered milk by produced quarts rather than its weight. Based on the one cup rule that is about 90 quarts per person.

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