Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Needing Some Direction...

Food Storage is something I am very passionate about. I haven't always been that way and I still have a long way to go, but I feel very compelled to learn all I can and at the same time help whomever I can. I am learning, along with all of you and I am grateful for the peace that comes in just "doing".

As I sit down to write each night, I hope that whatever is written is helpful to someone, anyone. I search my brain, trying to come up with posts that will be of value to those who read them. I hope that at times I am inspired, but for the most part I am just talking about what is constantly spinning around in my head. My ramblings will continue, but I would LOVE a little "reader direction"! So...I am seeking a little help. What interests you? What do you wish this blog had more of? What would help you the most? I know it is a pain to leave comments sometimes...I am terrible at it, but I would love to hear some feedback. Like Joey said yesterday, "it is very helpful to all of us to work together."

So there you have it. I am expecting a long list of comments :)!

For the month of April we are going to be talking about all things liquid...OK, not all things, but water, powdered milk and the like. And, we are nearing the 100th post of this blog! That is a milestone as far as I am concerned, so I am putting all of my resources together so we can have ourselves our own little giveaway! Fun times await!!

1 comment:

Blue said...

okay: for the enormous blue water barrel that i bought, should i be adding some bleach to it? and how often should it be emptied/refilled?

have you heard anything about the VitaMix dry container for grinding grains and making dough?

any cheap alternatives to those fancy rotation systems for using up the oldest products first?

for people without lots of space, short of hiding food under beds etc, does anyone have any suggestions about how to keep things rotating through?

what about putting together food storage when you MAY have to move in a there any advice? Do we just do it and move it? that's always been a hang-up of mine...feeling like i'll just have to pay to ship it across the country if i store it up. lame excuse to not be prepared, i know.

i always enjoy what you come up with. i think you ARE inspired...clearly you have a talent in this area, and i'm grateful for all you do to share it and motivate those of us who haven't experienced that innate passion. i'm getting more excited about it, because of how you break it down into manageable steps. before it was just too daunting.