Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tips From The Coop

The Powdered Milk Dilemma

Ideally, everything in your storage room would be rotated before expiring because it was used up in the kitchen. This creates a MILK DILEMMA for most families, including ours.

The recommended 90 quarts of stored milk per person is a lot of milk, powdered or otherwise. Adding to the problem, powdered milk has always carried with it a very short shelf life; as little as two years. The dilemma is only compounded by the fact that powdered milk has a nemesis…a gallon of real milk.

LUCKILY, BYU (boooo) recently finished a study that helps fix the dilemma. In the last few months the Ensign noted that in the study, powdered milk (among other stored foods) was found to have a much longer shelf life than previously expected; as much as 10 years. That is plenty of time for my family to cycle through powdered milk.

Here is the catch… Packaging is critical. “Number ten cans” (a coffee can) are the most approachable way to store milk for such long periods. Many powdered milk products come pre-packaged in #10 cans.

1 comment:

Blue said...

i agree that some (ahem) family members would allegedly rather DIE than use powdered milk...so it's an item that i've never purchased before.

so i've wondered what you use it for in order to keep rotating it. the bread recipe you shared doesn't call for milk or eggs (yay!) so pony up jackie girl, and share the secret to your success. how do you make use of this item? :-D